كثير ماتطل علينا الحياة بوجه غير الذي نتوقع..
وكثير ما تفاجئنا بجرح غائر كان أبعد ما يكون عن أذهاننا..
وقت كنا أسعد البشر على وجه الأرض ..
طبيعي أن يحدث كل ذلك بين يوم وليلة..
لكن ماذا يكون شعورك عندما تجد إبتسامتك تفارق الشفاه بلا عودة.؟
عندما يصبح الأمل كلمة ..مستحيلة..
وتكون السعادة حلما صعب المنال..؟
ماذا تفعل عندما تجد نفسك وحيدا رغم وجود الكثيرين من حولك..
عندما تكره الجميع حتى .. نفسك..
وقتها فقط تشعر أن الأرض ضاقت عليك بمارحبت وأنه لم يعد في قلبك شيء أو لبشر..
وقتها تكره الجميع وتكره الأشياء من حولك..ولا يخالجك سوى الشعور بالوحدة.
والهم والرغبة في الإنعزال عن كل شيء وأي شيء..
ماذا تفعل عندما تجد نفسك شخصا أخر غير الذي عهدته؟؟
فتجد نفسك قد تحولت إلى قلب حجري..
لا يشعر بأي شيء .. وان دموع الأطفال التي كانت تبكيك في الماضي لم تعد تمثل لك شيء.
أخبرني ماذا يكون شعورك عندما تشعر أنك سئمتهم جميعا وأن حياتك كانت لتكون أفضل بكثير لو لم يكونو فيها....؟؟؟
أيعقل أن يكون أقرب الناس إلينا هم أول من يسيرون لنا التعاسة..؟؟
إلى من سوف تذهب والجميع لا يشعرون بك؟؟
لاأحد يشعر ولا أحد يفهم شيئا مما في داخلك..
هل تكون العزلة حينها حل؟؟
هل يكون العيش وحيدا بدونهم جميعا هو الراحة؟؟
التي ضاعت من زمن ولم تعد؟؟
كيف يمكن أن تعود إلى نفسك التي ضاعت وسط ركام الألام والأحزان.؟؟
كيف يمكن أن تكون ثانية ذلك الشخص الذي يشعرويقدر ويتألم ويبكي ويضحك؟؟
كثيرا ما أقف أمام البحر ساكن بلا حركة أو كلام. تسقط مني دمعة رغما عني.. فأشعر بأمواجه تربت.. على كتفي وتخفف عني
مالم أعد أحتمل من الالام والاحزان..
كثيرا ماأتمنى أن يسمعني حقا ويشعر بهمومي التي لا يشعر بها أحد..
أحيانا أحس أنه حقا يشعر بي وأحيانا أقول أنني قد جننت..
حين أظن بانه لم يعد لي سوى تلك الأمواج لكي ترفع عني أثقالا من الهموم لم أعد قادرة على حملها.
حاولت كثيرا أن أكون كالسابق لكني لم أستطيع..
فالكره قد سكن قلبي تجاه كل شيء ..
سئمت تلك الحياة بكل ما فيها من تفاصيلها..
سئمت حتى نفسي التي لم أعد أرتجي منها خيرا..
سئمت تلك الدموع التي أذرفها أحيانا فلا يشعر بها أحد سواي.. ولا يمسحها سوى منديلي أنا..
وعندما تكون الحياة دائما بلا ألوان وبلا معنى ..
فلم يعد هناك ما أخسره أكثر من ذلك.
عندما يتملكك الشعور أنك كرهت الجميع وسئمت الجميع حتى نفسك..
فلا يوجد ما قد تخسره أكثر من ذلك..
عندما تتمنى أن تنسى كل شيء.. وأن لا تتذكر من تفاصيل حياتك حتى أسمك وميلادك..
فلم يعد هناك ما تخسره..
عندما تكون شخصا اخرا غير الذي كنت..
وعندما لا تجد حولك إلا نفسك..
فلم يعد هناك ما تخسره أكثر من ذلك..
محمد السورى
We have many Mattal life generally is that we expect ..
Many are surprised by a deep wound was far from our minds ..
Time when we were the happiest people on earth ..
Naturally, all that happens between day and night ..
But what have you feel when you find your smile lips depart never to return.?
When word of hope .. impossible ..
And the elusive dream of happiness ..?
What do you do when you find yourself alone, despite the presence of many people around you ..
When you hate everyone, even .. Yourself ..
Only then will you feel that you Pmareht land narrowed and he is no longer in your heart for a human or something ..
And then everyone hates and hates the things around you .. not only Akhaljk loneliness.
And concern and a desire to isolate ourselves from everything and anything ..
What do you do when you find yourself to another person who has custody??
You will find yourself have turned to the heart of stone ..
Does not feel anything .. And the tears of children that were Tbekak in the past no longer represents something to you.
Tell me what you feel is when you feel Simthm all your life and that would have been much better if the sober ....???
Is it rational to be the closest to us are the first to walk our misery ..??
To those who will go and everyone you do not feel??
No one feels one does not understand something in you that ..
Do you have the time of isolation solution??
Do you have to live alone without them all is the comfort??
Lost from the time and no longer??
How can you back to yourself lost amid the rubble of pain and grief.??
How can this be a second person who Aharoikdr and suffer and cry and laugh??
Often stand in front of the sea inhabitants without movement or speech. Tear drop me against my will .. I feel facing the high raised .. On my shoulders and relieve me
Unless prepared to endure the pain and sorrow ..
Matmany much to really hear me and feel Bhmomci which is not felt by one ..
Sometimes I feel that it really feels me and sometimes I say I have gone mad ..
While I think that he is no longer only those waves for me to lift weights of worries me no longer able to carry.
I tried hard to be as before, but I can not ..
The ball had to live my everything ..
Tired of that life in all its details ..
So tired of myself that I no longer Ertga them good ..
Tired of these tears that Odhirvha sometimes do not feel a Suai .. Not only wipe Mendala I ..
When life is always no colors and no sense ..
No longer is there to lose more than that.
Attempt to loose weight when you're feeling tired and everyone hated everyone, even yourself ..
There is no might lose more than that ..
When the wish to forget everything .. And do not remember the details of your life until your name and your birthday ..
There is no longer something to lose ..
When someone else is that you ..
And when you find around you but yourself ..
There is no longer something to lose more than that ..
Syrian Mohammed
Many are surprised by a deep wound was far from our minds ..
Time when we were the happiest people on earth ..
Naturally, all that happens between day and night ..
But what have you feel when you find your smile lips depart never to return.?
When word of hope .. impossible ..
And the elusive dream of happiness ..?
What do you do when you find yourself alone, despite the presence of many people around you ..
When you hate everyone, even .. Yourself ..
Only then will you feel that you Pmareht land narrowed and he is no longer in your heart for a human or something ..
And then everyone hates and hates the things around you .. not only Akhaljk loneliness.
And concern and a desire to isolate ourselves from everything and anything ..
What do you do when you find yourself to another person who has custody??
You will find yourself have turned to the heart of stone ..
Does not feel anything .. And the tears of children that were Tbekak in the past no longer represents something to you.
Tell me what you feel is when you feel Simthm all your life and that would have been much better if the sober ....???
Is it rational to be the closest to us are the first to walk our misery ..??
To those who will go and everyone you do not feel??
No one feels one does not understand something in you that ..
Do you have the time of isolation solution??
Do you have to live alone without them all is the comfort??
Lost from the time and no longer??
How can you back to yourself lost amid the rubble of pain and grief.??
How can this be a second person who Aharoikdr and suffer and cry and laugh??
Often stand in front of the sea inhabitants without movement or speech. Tear drop me against my will .. I feel facing the high raised .. On my shoulders and relieve me
Unless prepared to endure the pain and sorrow ..
Matmany much to really hear me and feel Bhmomci which is not felt by one ..
Sometimes I feel that it really feels me and sometimes I say I have gone mad ..
While I think that he is no longer only those waves for me to lift weights of worries me no longer able to carry.
I tried hard to be as before, but I can not ..
The ball had to live my everything ..
Tired of that life in all its details ..
So tired of myself that I no longer Ertga them good ..
Tired of these tears that Odhirvha sometimes do not feel a Suai .. Not only wipe Mendala I ..
When life is always no colors and no sense ..
No longer is there to lose more than that.
Attempt to loose weight when you're feeling tired and everyone hated everyone, even yourself ..
There is no might lose more than that ..
When the wish to forget everything .. And do not remember the details of your life until your name and your birthday ..
There is no longer something to lose ..
When someone else is that you ..
And when you find around you but yourself ..
There is no longer something to lose more than that ..
Syrian Mohammed
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